Experts & Staff

WRI brings together 1,400 experts and other staff in working in seven programs: food, forests, water, energy, cities, climate and the ocean and four centers of excellence for business, economics, finance and equity. Our staff and researchers work globally to produce data-based solutions that generate real change on the ground.

Program Experts & Staff

Xiaoyu Fan

Research Analyst, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China

xiaoyu fan

Mengdong Zhu

Research Analyst, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI, China 


Hu Haizi

Project Operations Manager, China FNR Program

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Liu Fengwei

Director of the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) China, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China


Jian Wan

Research Associate, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China


Yanping Zhang

Research Associate, Food and Natural Resources Program, WRI China
