世界资源研究所(WRI)于 1982 年成立于美国首都华盛顿特区,是一家独立的全球性智库。基于科学严谨的研究,兼顾创新和因地制宜的实践,WRI在全球范围内(尤其是在重点国家及地区)开展工作,为人类和地球的可持续发展寻求切实可行的解决方案,保护和恢复自然环境,减缓气候变化的影响,积极建设更具韧性的社区。
我们在全球 12个国家和地区设有办公室,汇聚来自世界各地的1900 多名专家和工作人员,工作范围辐射50多个国家和地区。2008 年,WRI在北京设立了首个国际办公室,组建了一支高效、专业的工作团队,携手中外各领域的合作伙伴,在气候、能源、城市、食物、投资等诸多可持续发展关键领域积极开展研究和实践工作。
About WRI China
WRI holds an official registration in China as a foreign NGO, as the certificate was issued by Beijing Public Security Bureau in November, 2017. With the registration, WRI advances its work on environment and sustainability in China with a new legal status—Beijing Representative Office, under the guidance and support of the public security agency and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (current Ministry of Ecology and Environment) as supervisor.
Goal & Strategy in China
Our Goal
WRI China’s goal is to build a human community with sustainable resources, social inclusion, and economic prosperity.
Our Strategy
WRI China’s strategy is to participate in global governance by providing comprehensive solutions for sustainable development.
世界资源研究所北京代表处汇集了气候、能源、可持续城市、食物与自然资源和可持续投融资领域的专家和员工,我们致力于提供以数据为基础,能产生实际效果的解决方案。 我们始终坚信,只有躬行践履,才能真正将研究淬炼为解决方案。